Saturday, February 26, 2011

SEA Report

So the past two days I was at the Self Employment in the Arts Conference, an annual conference hosted by my school every year. It's always been a really good time in that I learn lots of things and get lots on insights, but this year has been the best, hands down, so far.

First off, I presented Akari in a book proposal to Jennifer McCord, a really big name in the publishing business. She gave me lots of great critique, but it was most unexpected when she told me that the book proposal itself was "excellent", that it really made her intrigued and made her want to read more, and that I had an excellent story idea that is very appealing. I'm on the right track.
But there's still a long way to go. She gave some good suggestions I'm considering, but it will require a lot of work to change them.

Next, I met with Micah Farritor, an illustrator and graphic novel artist who is an alumni from my school. He looked over my pages and gave more good suggestions and said that it looked really cool! I'm pretty happy, because I thought my work really sucked. I've been working hard, but...I still have lots to learn about art and drawing, even writing (though I think my writing is light years away from my art in terms of quality).

I'm excited, because it feels like I'm finally in a position to get up and go (if I take the opportunities and work hard rather than being a forgetful lazy bum) but it is a bit daunting. Other people my age are already selling their manuscripts. My friends on deviantart have way more hits on their pages and are selling commissions while I can't even get comments on most of my work. Hell, I don't even have any comments on this blog. But...I'll keep going. I'll find a way to become a graphic novel artist and get my books out there. If nothing else, at least I'll be a really bitchin art history professor.

I also can't wait to write another book proposal, particularly for my next serious work, Dresden 1945

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