Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The End is In Sight!

97 pages down, 63 to go! It;s such a great feeling to know that only 63 pages stand between me and a finished book!

And for some reason, 63 seems a like a small amount...

I also have finished the Chapter 3 pencils! But chapter 3 was pretty short (only 15 pages). Some of the panels turned out absolutely gorgeous! In fact, the entirety of Sc. I is amazing and I can't wait to have it complete. I can't stop looking through it and absorbing it...it's such a melancholy scene...but so telling of both Akari and Takaharu, of the sexual and emotional tension between them, and especially insightful of Akari's feelings. And I hadn't gotten to do much with Akari since The beginning of Chapter 2, so it was refreshing to put the action back on her. I had run out of manuscript paper, but luckily some more arrived today (YAY!) so I can pencil Chapter 4 right away...

But that probably won't happen. I got to do some inking and painting, I have a paper due on Friday and my nephew's birthday party is on Saturday. Grrr.... :( I don't like going to these, but now that I drive myself, I can peace out whenever I guess. Just have to stay for cake because my sister makes THE most bitchin cake known to man. She made my birthday cake. Delicious.

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