Thursday, July 29, 2010

A New Direction

"Akari Saito and Sana Arai...two women may be linked by fate..."

This is the new theme of Akari. I'm going to bring Sana in and make her more prominant, whilst cutting out some things like the smugglers in Chapter 1, and some other things that actually happened OFF screen! I have a new strategy for doing this now. I'm going to take scenes from the script that I absolutely think are important and thumbnail them out with stick figures and scribbles, to get an idea of how long each one is. Then I will arrange them in a way that makes the most sense. At the end, we'll see if I need to do storyboards at all or if I can jump straight to final pages.

The new theme doesn't really change the overall theme of the story, but I hope it will make it much more cohesive. It's still about the 5th Division of the Inaka police trying to hunt down the serial killer Ghost. What's changing are the roles of Akari and Sana.

Sana Arai, who is murdered in the beginning, is Takaharu's old girlfriend. At first, Junko tries to keep her death a secret from him, but he finds out anyway. Akari is his partner, and his new assignment, as he is supposed to watch over her as well. However, his failures in the past still haunt him...

Please look forward to how Sana and Akari will be connected in the story!

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