Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Currently Storyboarding:Chapter 1, Scene VI
Artist's Status: PANIC

Okay, so it's been awhile. A long while. I apoligize....but now there is a disaster and the whole futre of this project has been thrown into Jeopardy once more. ANDNOBEFOREYOUASKIDIDNOTFINISHTHESCRIPT!!!!

I'm storyboarding chapter one and everything is going great till I do a page count...I'm currently on page 70. 70...in Chapter one...granted, the first 8 pages are prolouge, so chapter one is really only sixty some pages at the moment. But still, this is about twice the length that I had origianlly thought. Chapter one is not the longest part of the script either. So what I had originally thought to be a 150-200 page graphic novel is now completly out of control. The thing is, that it doesn't FEEL long when reading it. One of my friends said that the pacing was fast enough to not make it feel long. This is terrible...

Looks like I gotta totally scrap chapter one and figure out something else...I got an idea, which invovles getting rid of the smugglers in chapter one and merging in parts of chapter two...but it's very complicated...ack.

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