Friday, June 18, 2010

Stuck in Every Way

Cureently Scripting: Chapter 5, Scene 3/4
Artist's Status: Meh

Should there be a foruth murder victim?

When should Captian Suzuki storm the 5th Division's office?

When will Yukina get her big moment?

When should I reveal Junko's past?

Can I learn to draw guns?

Can Mark Webber get his lead back i nthe driver's championship?

These are the questions I've been asking myself lately. I'm very stuck at this point because I'm past the middle of the cript (for the love of God, I am in chapter 5) and I need to start tying things together. So I have to make alot of descions, some I knew I would have to make and others I didn't expect to have to make at all. I'm so confused.

I also think I need to go back and take out some scenes, add in some others, and change the oens taht are left. There are some things I'm very happy with in the script, but I feel that the pacing sometiems gets off. Sometimes, things go very fast, and at other times I feel they are slow. They don't really drag, so that's good, but I'd like a more even pacing so a reader isn't feeling whiplash, you know? If it's too hard to follow, then people will give up.

My other fear is that there is too much going on and it doesn't hold the reader's interest. I don't want to explain too much and spell everything out, but at the same tiem I don't want it to be too ambiguous. I really want it to be that the readers feels that things are very ambiguous and cloudy, but that they inatly feel they udnerstand everything, as if they have always been a part of this world, or that this world is possible. Does that make sense?

I've been fooling around with these new templates, but I still kind of want to come up with my own background or sidebar that features some nifty art. That, and I'd like to go back to the blue/orange color scheme. Maybe I will....

I really need to learn how to code...

Also, i want to post pictures, but since I'm home for the summer, I have no access to photo editing software. All I would really need to do is resize the pictures on the computer so they show up nicely on your screen, but I have no photoshop...all I have is the stuff that comes with windows, and that is usually pretty usless. Grrrr I hate having to go back and forth between school and home, being limitied to what equipment I can bring with me. I have photoshop 6 on my desktop, but that is packed up in pieces in a basement in Illinois, so I'm stuck there....

I'll figure out something. I really need to start posting some stuff on the blog.

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