Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy Busy the cold!

Currently Scripting: Chapter 4 Scene 3
Storyboards: Prologue
Production Sketches: Getting there

Betweeen going on bandtour, classes, make up work, looking for and job aND apartment hunting, life is just so busy! But it's not overwhelemingly so yet, which owrries me. I should be drasticaly overwhelemed. But I'm not...? Interesting.
It has been really cold here lately though. I'm freezing all the time. (except when I'm drunk like last night on my livestream...what?)

I've trying to draw the characters over and over again in the production sketches so that they'll look consistant. Kagehito is the hardest for me to draw, because he has long hair AND glasses. (It's odd because he's not the type of person who would have a ponytail, but he does). Getting Akari to look consistant has also been a challenge. Maybe they're both so difficult because they usually have very blank expressions.

Well, I'm off to dry my hair and go to class. Maybe later or tomorrow I'll post a short profile of Akari, our main character.

All the best!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Place: Inaka City

Currently Scripting: Chapter 4 Scene 3
Storyboards: Prologue
Production Sketches: I have them
Status: Awesome

First off, my roommate helped me find the BEST SITE EVER that has tons of Eurovision related ALBUMS. YAY!!!! They also have LOTS OF AKCENT, this techno/pop band that I first heard on my trip in Greece with their awesome song "That's My Name." Go listen to it. I dare you.

Did you listen to it yet?

As promised, I will now decribe the setting and place that Akari takes place in.

Inaka City 2023
Inaka is a fictional city in Japan that, in it's design, is actually a blending of sevearl cities--Tokyo, Chicago, New York, and anything else I decide to through in there. It was the terrorist attack in 2013 in Inaka that rushed in the CYBER era, and as a result Inaka is a hub of Cybernetic technology, being the home of one of Japan's largest cybernetic desingers and manufacturers, Terra Tech.
Inaka is a small city of about 40,000 people, though a significant amount of the population was lost in the terrorist attack--about 11,000 were killed in the attack. The city has never recovered from this.
The Inaka City Police Department is run by the Police General, who oversees the different divisions. He is very much like a real general. There are 6 Divisions that cover different districts of the city, with the 1st Division being centered in the Police Headquarters near the center of Downtown.
Inaka University is a sprawling campus also in downtown. They are best known for their Science Department. Other places of interest are the free clinic in East Side, near the 5th Division, the Inaka Hospital, and the old Train Station, center of the terrorist attack.

That's all for now!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Now We're Making Progress...After A Month of No Progress...

Currently Scripting: Chapter 4 Scene 3
Storyboarding: Prolouge
Production Sketches: Started
Status: Slight Panic with a side of HELL YEAH!

Hey everyone. Long time no see. Eh heh heh...

Well, remember when I said I wanted to have the script finished by Spring break? See how I'm only in Chapter 4 still? ( In my defense, Scene 1 is very long and action packed!) Well, a lot of things began to happen, and then my Grandpa passed so I lost motivation to work. But now I have it back. Why?

Because, against what I originally promsied myself, that I would NOT start the storyboards until the scrpit was finished because I knew that I'd only want to work on the story boards once I started them and would ignore the script until I ran out of script to board...I did it anyway. I wanted to have some storyboards to show my potential (and now OFFICIAL Almost) thesis director! I feel severly awesome right now because I have a thesis director, and it's only one of the greatest intelectuals on our campus! I am so thrilled. She does more of the academic side of graphic novels, but her insight is too valuble to pass up. And she's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!!! I am outrageously excited.

Did you also know it's Formula One season? Just a side note, since I am a tifosi (Ferrari fan) and an F1 nut. Tee hee...

And now to reveal the names of the six main characters. Their profiles will be coming soon for you enjoyment, so you'll actually know what I'm talking about.

Akari Saito
Takaharu Shidomi
Junko Arada
Yukina Tachibana
Katsuaki Yamada
Kagehito Yamada

Next time, I'll talk about the setting of the story, Inaka City. Farewell for now!