Thursday, March 4, 2010

Now We're making progress!

Currently Scripting: Chapter 3 Scene VII
Status: Not as dead as before, but still fairly dead

I finally got a chance to work on some more of the script! Joy! Since it is the end of Winter term, things are getting super hectic. Luckily, I have been getting things done nad was able to pull myself together after having two breakdowns and being a complete wreck. (One of my breakdowns occured at dinner one night, and conisted of me yelling out the names of dead Formula One drivers, i.e. "Jochen Rindt! He's DEAD! Dead these forty years!!!!!" It was quite upsetting...)

So I suppose I should start talking about the plot a little bit. Today will be a general overview of the six main characters and a bit of the setting. Setting first though, so you don't get lost.

Akari takes place in the fictional Japanese city of Inaka, somewhere in the near future. (2017 was the original date, but that was back when I writing the story in 2004, so maybe it will be a little later...?) The CYBER era is still trying to gain it's footing, as cybernetic technology is somewhat new and imperfect. The CYBER era gets it's start when a terrorist attack ten years prior to the start of the story kills 11,000 people in the city and injures countless others. Also, the outbreak of Muscle Degenaratory Disease (MDD) has a hand in it as well, as so far the only cure of MDD is amputation.

The story follows the members of the Inaka City Police 5th Division--Akari Saito, Takaharu Shidomi, Yukina Tachibana, Kagehito Yamata, Katsuaki Yamata, and Junko "The Chief" Arada. They are all CYBERs (meaning they have some sort of cybernetic body part), and primarily investigate crimes invovling CYBERs and androids, since those two classes are looked down upon by "purists." However, a serial killer soon starts killing CYBERs and androids in an unusual and dangerous way--by hacking into their heads and making them kill themselves in anguish over their memories. He is only known as "Ghost." It's up to the 5th Division to solve a case that no one else wants in order to protect the CYBERs of the city, while trying to figure out what the meaning of being human is.

Soon, I'd like to do a character profile for each of the six main cast members, but I'd like to have illustrations of them first so that you can all see what they look like. It will give you a better idea of the story, I think...

Oh yeah, and I have to present my thesis project next week for a bunch of first and second year students. Shoot me in the face! I already have two concerts, a 20 page paper, a 10 page paper, two smaller papers, and several reading assignments to do on top of that! And a printmaking project! ARGH! It doesn't help that my crappy English professor is compeltely unsympathetic and won't help me with my papers. She always says "you need to interpret and go deeper!" WHAT DOES SHE THINK I'M DOING?!

That's enough venting for one blog post...

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