Sunday, February 28, 2010

And so it the middle?

Currently scripting: Chapter 3 Scene V
Status: Semi-dead

Being part of the college scholars program at my college, we're required to write an honor's thesis, some sort of project that reflects your interests and fits in with what you're studying. I'm a major in art and English...research projects aren't exactly my thing. So my project is doing what will hopefully someday become my career...

I'm going to write a graphic novel.

Bitchin, huh?

One problem--I've never finished a story I've started. And I only have a year. And I'm starting from nothing.

Well, not really "nothing" per say. The story I am writing is called Akari and it's been in the making since about 2004. The original script was lost when I have to reformat my computer at the time, but the basic story is pretty much the same--a near future sci-fi police drama, in a similar vein as Ghost in the Shell. Actually, think of it as more of a prequel, because every futuristic society has to start somewhere, right? This is how I came up with Akari. I say I'm starting from the middle because I've actually been working on this project since this past fall (hence why my script is in the middle of chapter 3), but just as every story starts somewhere, so must every blog. Besides, this is just like me--I think "oh, I should do that!" or come up with a good idea later that what would've been logical.

This blog will chronicle the whole project--from the script and production drawings to the final inking and formatting into a book. I hope you'll stick around for the ride!
Forza Ferrari!